Social Media Marketing in Marin
Social Media Marketing in Marin
Social media marketing is huge these days. And it’s not just for business–it can also help creatives of all kinds to promote their work and increase sales.
Social Media Marketing Case Study
The following is a case study of what I did for Francesca Bell, an amazing Bay Area poet who’d been trying to get her first manuscript accepted by a publisher for a number of years. Though her manuscript was exceptionally good, attracting a publisher had been a challenge. I’d already been helping Francesca with her website for years when she approached me with the idea of promoting herself on Instagram and Facebook, with the specific goal of gaining the interest of a publisher.
The result? In less than a year Francesca had amassed a substantial following on both Instagram and Facebook. In fact, the campaign was so successful that Red Hen Press decided to publish her first book of poetry, Bright Stain- to incredible reviews, I might add.

Social Media Memes for Bright Stain, by Francesca Bell

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